Facing Domestic Violence Charges In California?

Getting arrested for domestic violence is a serious matter. Depending on whether the prosecutor files felony or misdemeanor domestic violence charges, you could be facing a long time in state prison. When law enforcement responds to a call of domestic violence and there are marks on anyone, someone is going to jail.

If you find yourself involved in a domestic incident and end up behind bars, it does not necessarily mean that you will be convicted of a crime. It is important that you try to remain calm and do not resist arrest. You also should exercise your right to remain silent and contact a criminal defense attorney that is experienced in defending against domestic violence charges. Whatever you say will be used against you, after all, law enforcement is building a case against you not trying to help you out of the situation.

If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to your case. It will likely be an attorney from the public defender’s office. It may not be in your best interest to have a public defender representing you. Oftentimes they have a high volume of cases that they are handling and cannot dedicate the time or resources that other criminal defense attorneys can.

If you are arrested in California for domestic violence, the Law Office of Louis J. Goodman may be able to help keep you out of jail and preserve your reputation. Remember that domestic violence charges are serious and carry with them the chance of significant time behind bars. Call us today to see how we can help you through this difficult time.

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