Northern California DUI Lawyer

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Northern California DUI Attorney

Louis J. Goodman – DUI Services

Don’t do it alone

DUI’s are serious matters that require dedicated, serious legal representation.

Miscalculations in defense can lead to mistakes that may take years to rehabilitate.. If you forgo legal representation, be ready for an involved, prosecution-led process that may not be in your best interests, represent who you really are or the circumstances in which you were arrested.

It starts from the very beginning: after a DUI arrest, it’s up to the defendant to request a DMV hearing. If the DMV doesn’t hear from you, your license goes into suspension in 30 days.

In court, your ability to assess the strength of the prosecution’s case against you can be limited. Was the breathalyzer test administered improperly? Whether the arresting officer has proper DUI training and acted in violation of police protocol? Were the FSTs fairly administered?

The chance of any of this coming into play without an attorney is slim. An attorney plays an important role in ensuring that all admissible evidence is considered before the court date and that you get a fair shake before a judge. An attorney is an essential part of any DUI defense strategy. Trusted attorneys like Louis J. Goodman play a key role in helping our clients manage difficult, painful and serious situations, and help bring them to a manageable close.

What’s The Worst That Could Happen?

Short answer: You could go to jail and lose your driving privilege.

The bottom line: this is too important to try to handle on your own. You need experienced litigators to get you the best representation possible and best possible results.

This is too important to tackle on your own. Let us help.

A lapse in judgement isn’t worth sacrificing years of your personal freedom and financial resources for.

Louis J. Goodmanservices has three decades of experience in legal practice and understands how to successfully defend DUI cases like yours.

The choice of whether or not to retain an attorney in DUI proceedings is ultimately up to you, but we hope you’ll weigh your options carefully when deciding on having an attorney by your side. You want someone with experience in legal proceedings like these.

We’re proud to be able to represent clients like you.
This is too important to leave to chance. Let us help you put your best foot forward.

Your DUI Defense Attorney

thing’s first: there’s no such thing as an impossible case.

A drunk driving charge can present problems of proof in the presence of a skilled attorney. Every piece of evidence has to align to defeat a formidable defense.

For example, blood alcohol content (BAC) readings. While these measurements may appear to be irrefutable to the untrained eye, we understand there’s a lot of variables that need to be scrutinized in these readings. Equipment conditions and officer training are just a couple of the features that need to be looked at before a blood alcohol content reading is admitted in a court of law.

A private DUI attorney can help you spot legal particularities in pending DUI changes like these.

No DUI case has a certain outcome. There are a broad range of factors including prior alcohol related offenses, whether reckless driving was found to be a factor in the citation, and the applicable local and state DUI laws that our clients will have to navigate through in the court of their legal case.

The difference between a successful DUI defense and one that’s not is often an experienced, trustworthy law firm. A DWI attorney who understands the landscape will show up ready to assess the worthiness of the prosecution’s case against a client from the top down. They’ll be able to provide critical and needed legal advice to help the client win the best outcome on their proceedings.

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